Ventrac 4000 series Operational Video 05 - Operating on Slopes and Hills

Duration: 1:54 - Views: 8121

The Ventrac 4000 series tractor with All Wheel Drive, a low center of gravity and a well balanced profile, is a powerful tool for accomplishing many tasks on slopes. However, extreme caution must be used at all times for safe and productive operation.•The fuel tank should be at least half full.•Always use low range when operating on slopes. Move the High/Low shift lever to the forward position before entering the slope area and while the tractor is parked. Never attempt to shift between high and low range while on the slope. •Dual wheels or wheel extensions must be used when operating sideways on steep slopes. See the operators manual for the maximum degree of slope allowed for your tractor. •Slopes can cause loss-of-control and tip-over accidents, which can result in severe injury or death. Variables such as wet surface and loose ground will reduce the degree of safety. Do not drive where machine could loose traction or tip-over. •Use weight transfer whenever possible on slopes.•Keep alert for hidden hazards in the terrain. •Avoid drop-offs, ditches, and embankments. •Slow down before making sharp turns when operating on slopes. •Pulling loads on hills decreases safety. It is the responsibility of the owner and operator to determine loads that can safely be controlled on slopes.•Transport machine with attachment lowered or close to the ground to improve stability. •While operating on steep slopes, drive in an up and down direction when possible. If turning is necessary while driving across slopes, reduce speed and turn slowly in the downhill direction. •If you are unsure or uncomfortable when operating on slopes the best advice is dont. Leave such tasks to a trained and experienced operator

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