Ventrac SSV Vs Ariens Mammoth - A Side by Side Comparison

Duration: 27:01 - Views: 23488

Ventrac SSV Vs Ariens Mammoth | A Side by Side ComparisonFor several years, contractors have used the Ventrac SSV in a commercial setting, and it has proven to be a valuable asset to their fleets. However, with other new sidewalk machines available on the market, this makes the purchasing decision for contractors and operators more complex.The SSV and Mammoth are compact machines made for snow removal on sidewalk areas and transitional areas where bigger equipment like ATVs, UTVs, or trucks can’t operate. They each run a hydraulic system with independent wheel motors on each corner of the machine, providing plenty of power and traction. Both are stand-on machines where the operator stands behind the platform and controls with drive levers on the dashboard. And both offer similar attachment options, supplying you with essential snow removal tools needed depending on the storm.But as we compare features and published specifications, you may notice the less suitable option between the two machines. We hope this video is helpful and insightful when searching for a tough, commercial-grade machine with a well-thought-out design. We will discuss price differences, aesthetics and appearances, available accessories, lighting, tires, and engine differences.Operator comfort and functionality are discussed with an in-depth dive into the platform and dashboard features, including the option of a weather-protecting windscreen and heated hand grips. Finally, we end with a further discussion of the attachments available and encourage you to try both machines for yourself.Products featured in this video:SIDEWALK SNOW VEHICLE: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac00:00 Introduction00:53 Similarities01:28 Pricing Differences02:41 Aesthetic Differences03:52 Accessories05:18 Lighting05:57 Tires07:36 Engine Differences09:59 Operator Platform10:42 Operator Station15:30 Windscreen16:34 Attachments25:49 Conclusion

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