Full Sidewalk Snow Attachment Lineup | Ventrac 4520 and SSV

Duration: 15:51 - Views: 74229

Get ahead of winter’s fury; get Ventrac-equipped. Built for the demands of winter, Ventrac provides the best in snow-clearing equipment. Whether the 4520 tractor with winter cab or the SSV stand-on, these machines are the commercial-quality standard for sidewalk snow. With a full line of attachments for any stage of the snow event, Ventrac provides all the necessary tools to do the task, no matter the conditions. Versatility is the star of the show, with brooms, drop spreaders, snow blowers, box blades, and v-blades available to deal with the first part of the storm and heavier accumulation. The Ventrac 4520 tractor combines all-wheel drive to give you unmatched stability and control, while its compact profile and maneuverability allow for snow removal in tight areas and sidewalks. With the addition of the heated cab, you can stay comfortable and productive to get the work done no matter the conditions. The SSV is a ride-on machine with exceptional power packed into a very compact unit. Equipped with a high-output, 23-horsepower commercial engine, it has the ability to run powered attachments at a narrow working width of 34 inches. Ergonomic features keep the operator comfortable on the SSV with a suspended platform, a soft operator pad, heated hand grips, and an optional windscreen to keep the elements off of the operator. Salt accessories include a brine system, mid-mounted and front-mounted drop spreaders. The mid-mounted drop spreader on the SSV conveniently slides out for easy refilling. Add on the front-mounted drop spreader to increase your total salt capacity to 300+ pounds. You don’t want to be caught off guard without a Ventrac this year. From snow blowers, blades, brooms, and more, find out why Ventrac is the leader in sidewalk-sized snow equipment.Contact your local dealer today - ventrac.com/dealersCheck out more - ventrac.com/solutions/snowGet a FREE catalog! https://www.ventrac.com/contact/catalog Subscribe here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0aiC7V2JS3nh11R5tRuIUw Connect with Us!Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ventrac/ Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac

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